Satellite tracking station

Helsinki Hacklabin wikistä
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Satellite tracking station

Tyyppi: satellite
Tekijät: mka, timo, david
Aloitettu: 2018
Tila: OPEN
GitHub: [1]


Satellite Tracking Station [Station ID: 248]<br\><br\>[VHF][UHF][SHF][multi-band]


The Hacklab Helsinki team for this project:

  • Michael (slack: mka)
  • Timo (slack: thjt)
  • David (slack: kerosene98)
  • Timoteus (slack: audioman)
  • Hacklab Slack Channel : #satellite <-- Regular status updates, project build pics and current discussion.

SatNOGS is an open source ground station and network, optimized for modularity, built from readily available and affordable tools and resources.

We love satellites! And there are thousands of them up there. SatNOGS provides a scalable and modular platform to communicate with them. Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites are our priority and for a good reason. Hundreds of interesting projects worth of tracking and listening are happening in LEO and SatNOGS provides a robust platform for doing so.

We support VHF and UHF bands for the reception with our default configuration, which is easily extendable for transmission and other bands too. Sticking to a modular architecture based on network communications we ensure remote access and interchangeable design meeting all possible needs.

The Project Plan:
Proof of concept and setup of initial satNOGS account [COMPLETED]
Budget/Code Rep:
Phase 1: Moxon turnstile Antenna 145.9Mhz & 435Mhz [Work In Progress]
Phase 2: Assemble satNog static station, mount on Hacklab roof [TESTING MODE 'LIVE']
Phase 3: Rotator satNogs v3.0
Build Plan, Implementing plan (mechanics, motors, design etc), and New Antenna's, weather cover
Phase 4: Show and tell presentation

Regular "GOOD" reception with the ISS.
Checkout our observations and hear the broadcasts received so far. [click here]

Possible antennas

Useful Quicklinks