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M8652 YA option KL8F is a compatible UART-based replacement for the M8650 card. There is next to no documentation online about it. It uses YA-5-1012 uart. Datasheet for it isn't available, but apart from the voltage rails and max baud rate it seems to be compatible with YA-5-1013A.
What I have gathered:
- The crystal oscillator depends on the board type:
- No suffix: 14.418MHz
- YA: 19.661MHz
- YB: 17.629MHz
- YC: 14.762MHz
- Jumpers AB, DC, FE, HG, JI:
- These select the baud rate, on YA variation AB is 2400 baud
- Jumpers NM-ON-OK:
- Having all set means transmit and receive baud rates are the same
- Setting JK, OK, ON and LM (no NM) allows slow receive baud rate and different higher transmit baudrate
- Jumpers G-L; 1-2 is high, 1-3 is low
- G: Parity type: 0 odd, 1 even
- H: NB1 - number of data bits
- I: NB2 - number of data bits
- J: SB - number of stop bits, 0 = 1 stop bit, 1 = 2 stop bits
- K: No parity - 1 disables parity, 0 enables
- L: CS - control strobe, hardwire to 1
Number of data bits is:
- NB1 = 0; NB2 = 0 -> 5
- NB1 = 1; NB2 = 0 -> 6
- NB1 = 0; NB2 = 1 -> 7
- NB1 = 1; NB2 = 1 -> 8
M8652YA board uses AY-5-1012 UART chip for the RS232 protocol. This is compatible with YA-5-1013A AY-5-1013A UART.pdf. Pictures and schematics for the board are available from so-much-stuff.com Component Side, Solder side, Layout and Schema.